Cucumbers are small, green wonders full of good substances! The extract contains above all nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, biotin and vitamins A and B1 that have a stress-reducing effect.
Cucumber juice, on the other hand, has the ability to make skin glow and even fade scars and pigmentation spots.
The skin of the cucumber contains silica, which is great for strengthening the sagging skin.
Cucumber also contains caffeic acid, this is an antioxidant that is known for its anti-aging effects, which helps to reduce fine lines.
Cucumber is super rich in vitamin C, which has a natural healing effect on our skin and can gradually smooth out your small wrinkles.
On days when you feel that your skin needs some extras, this cleaner as a lifesaver brings the energy level back to the required level and immediately provides a nice and fresh appearance!